Serving Opportunities

get involved at CORNERSTONE C3


"For even the Son of Man did not come to be served,
but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.” - Mark 10:45
Jesus came to serve and to give of Himself to others and we want to follow His example. We have many different ministry opportunities at Cornerstone C3! Getting involved will provide an opportunity for you to use your God-given gifts to bless others and to help build up the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:11–13).   Check out the current opportunities listed below and pray about where God would want you to serve!  God bless you as you serve Him!
"And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus," 
- Colossians 3:17
Some areas of ministry will require special training.
Some areas of ministry generally require a minimum of 6 months attendance at Cornerstone C3.
Youth,13 or older or 7th grade and up, are welcome to serve with signed parental or guardian consent.
ALL volunteers and staff at Cornerstone C3 will be subject to background screening.  
(A criminal record may not prevent you from serving at Cornerstone C3,
but it may limit the areas of ministry you are able to serve in.)
For more information about serving at Cornerstone C3,
please fill out the "Volunteer Form" at the bottom of the page.  
God Bless you!

Children's ministry

Nursery-Toddlers & PreK-K5
With God's Word as our highest priority, our desire is to make disciples by creating a fun, loving, and interactive environment where kids are encouraged to grow in Christ. We provide volunteers who emphasize love, have procedures that are safe, and a Bible-based curriculum that is age-appropriate. Your children will grow in the knowledge of God's Word and the great love that He has for them. At Cornerstone C3, We generally require a minimum of 6 months attendance in this area of ministry.

Worship Ministry

Our Worship Team serves on Sunday mornings, Wednesday evenings, and at our Nights of Worship using their musical gifts to lead the church into the presence of the Lord and to glorify God. 

First impressions Team

Greeters/Ushers/Parking Lot Attendants/Welcome Team
Our desire is that everyone experiences the love of Jesus the very first time they visit with us and every time they attend Cornerstone C3. Our First Impressions Team greets and welcomes all our visitors and members on Wednesdays and Sundays. They guide guests in the parking lot, welcome them in the lobby, prepare and serve coffee, assist with seating, answer questions, provide information, pass out Bibles, and help prepare and serve Communion.  

safety team

Our Safety Team provides a safe environment for all of our visitors and members. This ministry is designed  for adults who regularly work in, or are retired from law enforcement, government, military, security, and medical professions, as an opportunity to use their skills within the church. This area of ministry generally requires a minimum of 6 months attendance at Cornerstone C3.


Setup/Tear down/Cleaning
Our Facilities volunteers serve on Sunday mornings to provide a clean facility and assist with set up and tear down needs. This ministry provides an opportunity for teens and adults to use their physical abilities and/or handyman skills to serve the body of Christ. 

Youth Group

Middle School/High School 
Our desire is to provide a welcoming place for Middle Schoolers and High Schoolers to come and grow in a personal relationship with Jesus through studying His Word and learning to apply it to their daily lives.  Our goal is to encourage and challenge students to love and serve their family, the church, their community, and the world around them. This area of ministry generally requires a minimum of 6 months attendance at Cornerstone C3.

Sound/Media Team

The role of our Sound & Media Team is a collaborative effort to create a comfortable worship/teaching experience for visitors and members of the church. This ministry provides an opportunity for teens and adults to use their technical gifts to serve the body of Christ. Previous experience is preferred, but not required as training will be provided.

Prayer Team

We believe that Cornerstone C3 is directed by the will of God through the Holy Spirit; and that prayer is necessary to remain in communion with Jesus Christ. This Ministry provides our fellowship with an organized means for corporate prayer.  We meet for prayer before services on Sundays and Wednesdays.  All are welcome to join. Some aspects of this ministry will require some training.


Digital Content and Design/Social Media/Photography
Our Creative Team serves the body of Christ with their artistic abilities. At Cornerstone C3 we desire to use media to glorify God and make Christ known. Through social media, photography, videography, and design, the Creative Team can communicate who we are as a church, what Jesus is doing in our lives, and how He is blessing our community.  

Volunteer Form 

Thank you for your interest in SERVing at Cornerstone C3!  
PLEASE FILL OUT THe following FORM and we  will get back to shortly.
 God bless you!