Our Story

How it all started...

Cornerstone C3 is a ministry of Calvary Chapel.  Pastor Neil surrendered his life to Jesus on September 10th 1999 at Calvary Chapel Merritt Island in Florida.  While at CCMI, he was discipled and nurtured in the Word of God as he sat under the verse by verse teaching of Pastor Malcolm Wild and was fathered in the faith by Pastor Howard Davies.  It was by the Word of God and the unconditional love of Jesus shown through many saints in the body of Christ that helped Pastor Neil grow in his faith and his relationship with Jesus.  After three years at CCMI, the Lord opened the doors for Pastor Neil to attend Bible College in  Hungary where he would meet his wife, Anna, complete his BA in theology, and receive a rich education in practical Christian ministry.  After serving 11 years in Hungary, the Lord moved Pastor Neil, and the family He blessed him with, back to the US where he would serve another 11 years within Calvary Chapel as an Assistant Pastor and Worship Leader.  In 2023 after reading the words Jesus spoke in Matthew 9:37-38 “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.”  Pastor Neil believed the Lord was calling him to step out in faith to plant a church in the North Fort Myers/North Cape Coral area.  God has since surrounded Pastor Neil and his family with a wonderful group of people that love Jesus and desire to see many come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.  To God be the glory!